How to Cope When Mom and Dad Say, “Nope!”
As parents age, their needs and preferences change, from simple things like TV shows to life-altering needs for new surroundings. When a loved one has… Read More »How to Cope When Mom and Dad Say, “Nope!”
As parents age, their needs and preferences change, from simple things like TV shows to life-altering needs for new surroundings. When a loved one has… Read More »How to Cope When Mom and Dad Say, “Nope!”
Programs for All-inclusive Care of the Elderly (PACE) is a Medicare and Medicaid program that helps people meet their health care needs in the community instead of going… Read More »Medicare and Medicaid PACE Helps the Elderly Stay in the Community
For many elders, and their loved ones, determining when they are no longer safe on the road is a difficult and heart wrenching process — but ignoring the issue can be dangerous.
So when does an older driver — or a concerned family member or friend — know when it’s time to turn in the keys?